America- Atlanta Nov 2024

Atlanta Crusade: A Powerful Move of God

The Atlanta crusade at the Sugar Hill Bowl Amphitheater marked the culmination of the three-day Revive Us Again Conference, where churches across the region united in worship and service. Evangelist Ruvim Borishkevich preached the Gospel, leading many to surrender their lives to Jesus, while Evangelist Nataliya Trochuk delivered a powerful message of healing, resulting in miraculous transformations and restored lives.

Testimonies poured in, including Conner, who had left the church at age seven and found his way back to God through a timely Gospel message, and Luis, who overcame anxiety and emptiness by committing his life to Jesus. Alex, once resentful toward the church, rededicated his life to Christ, reigniting his passion for God. Lives were transformed, and the name of Jesus was lifted high as we witnessed the power of unity and the Holy Spirit at work.

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Ethiopia - Oct 2024