Together, making a difference
through giving
“But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you, see that you also excel in this grace of giving.”
2 Corinthians 8:7

Give Monthly
Your monthly gift is more than a donation; it’s a predictable source of income that helps us plan and execute our projects more efficiently
Give Once or Monthly
Your monthly or one-time support today enhances our capability for quick and impactful action.
Partner with us
Global Revival is established on Social Media through various platforms. We would love for you to follow along with us as we seek to provide life-changing content. We believe that it is life-changing because our content here is to provoke you to fall more in love with Him who is life, Jesus. You can subscribe, like, and follow along with us socially through: Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok, and Facebook.
Prayer is a vital lifeline to what God has called us to do. We cannot do what we do without the faithful partnership of people around the world that are joining with us in prayer and intercession. Let’s celebrate together all that God is speaking and doing in the nations of the world.
Financial provision is a vital and strategic part that God accomplishes the desires of His heart. It would be a great joy for our team, and the advancement of what God has called us to do around the world, if you would pray about partnering with us financially. There is a mutual blessing when we commit to what God is asking of us. We will share the reward for all that God is able to accomplish when we join together in partnership.
Other Ways To Give
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P.O. Box 50256
Jacksonville beach FL 32240
United States